
Das Bild zeigt einen Mann auf einem Fahrrad als Metapher für das Präventionsprogram von Dr. med. Schamim Schahb, Ärztin für Kardiologie, Angiologie und Hämostaseologie

Healthy start to spring? We’re getting started with our spring prevention program!

Dear patients,  Spring is just around the corner. For some, this means resuming sporting activities and cherished hobbies. For others a vacation may already be knocking on the door. Spring is not only a good opportunity for an extensive spring cleaning, but also for an all-round health check after a dark winter. This is what […]

Healthy start to spring? We’re getting started with our spring prevention program! Read More »

Das Bild zeigt eine erschöpfte Frau, es steht für die Diagnostik und Behandlung von Long-COVID in der Praxis für Kardiologie, Angiologie und Hämostaseologie in Düsseldorf

Long-COVID Consultation

COVID-19 is a disease that affects a variety of organs and organ systems in addition to the lungs. Unfortunately, many patients suffer from long-term symptoms even after they have overcome the infection. In this case, the disease is referred to as long-COVID syndrome. Its main symptoms include: Breathing difficulties to shortness of breath, muscle weakness,

Long-COVID Consultation Read More »

Das Bild zeigt Corona-Schutzimpfungen von Novavax, welche ab sofort in der Praxis für Kardiologie, Angiologie und Hämostaseologie in Düsseldorf geimpft werden können

We now also vaccinate with Novavax

As part of our Corona vaccination program, we can now also vaccinate the Novavax inactivated vaccine. All vaccination appointments can be made with us directly by phone or on Doctolib, as usual. The currently licensed vaccine, Nuvaxovid® from Novavax, is a protein vaccine for persons 18 years of age and older. The educational fact sheet

We now also vaccinate with Novavax Read More »